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For the final assignment of Introduction to Business, we had to form a group of eight members to plan and carry out a business in order to gain profits for a charity. We are free to choose any type of business we want (as long as it is appropriate) and any charity organisation we want to donate to. After a lengthy discussion with our group members, we agreed to sell snacks around the campus.































The products we sold were popsicles, ice cream scoop, cream puff ice cream and corn in a cup. The popsicles and corn in a cup were fully home made while the ice cream was bought. We contacted certain organisations who agreed to sell us some of our materials such as the cream puff, ice cream and dry ice. We sold our products at a price of RM2.00 per popsicle, RM4.00 for 2 ice cream scoops, RM3.00 for one corn in a cup, and RM5.00 per cream puff ice cream. These prices are the original prices and will sometimes change for promotion.



Our stall

Our charity organisation, Rumah Kids.

Visiting Rumah Kids.


I have learned a lot from this project, not just in terms of business, but many other aspects as well. This assignment really opened my eyes as to how a business functions, and how important it is to always maintain control of the business. I also realised how tough it can be to run a successful business, and how there are always obstacles along the way. Although we made some mistakes, I believe we have learned a few valuable lessons. Overall, it was a very tiring but also fun experience.

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