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For this part of the assignment we had to create a booklet explaining the lego character we chose for our lego hanging mobile display. It is an individual assignment and had to be submitted a few weeks before Part 2 of project 2B. We need to explain our character's background, characterisitcs, abilities and also provide keywords for our abstract art. We also had to include sketches and 3D collage of 2 abstract arts.


For the second part of this project, we had to create a 3D hanging model based on whatever keyword we choose for our lego character. Our lego character is placed in the model and the surrounding elements show the concept we try to give. Our artwork needs to be abstract and related to our keyword and character. We also had to prepare 3 presentation boards explaining our character, concept, process and the artwork itself.


For this project, it was quite interesting to me as I got to choose a character from a franchise that I loved since I was young. It was fun to research and discover more about this character as it was a relatively new character. I also learned while doing the artwork itself, such as how to work with different materials, how to arrange the presentation board and how to create better, more abstract artwork. Lastly, since it was my first time individually presenting my own artwork, I also got to improve my presentation and communication skills.

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